Have you ever wanted something so badly you tried to make it happen yourself? You
controlled the situation. You thought of all the scenarios and how to manipulate them, and the people to make something go right or the way you wanted. You had plans A, B, C, and D all mapped out just in case. But none of those plans worked out. Welcome to the club!
From mapping out my daughter’s school year, her schedule, my schedule and everything
else in my family’s life, I have been at fault for trying to control EVERYTHING.
I like to have things planned and organized. I am an over planner. And so is my
But that’s not the way life works.
Sure, it is great to make plans for your life and set goals. But, if you don’t leave
room for God’s plans, changes, or unexpected things, you will be sorely
disappointed when life does not turn out the way you expected or wanted.
Life often throws us curve balls. Learning to surrender it all to Jesus is a better way!
If I try to control my situations, it just ends up badly for me, and it can
hurt others too.
Look at the story of Abraham and Sarah in the Bible, beginning in Genesis 17. Sarah
tried to control Hagar (her servant) and her husband by asking her husband to have a baby with Hagar. Sarah was very old and tired of waiting. She did not believe that God would still bless her with a baby even after he had promised to do so. God said, “I will bless her, and moreover, I will give you a son by her. I will bless her, and she shall become nations; kings of peoples shall come from her.” (Genesis 17: 16 ESV).
If Sarah had just listened to God, had faith, waited, and trusted, she could have saved herself, her husband, and Hagar so much heartache. God had made Sarah a beautiful promise. She just had to wait for it to come to pass! (Easier said than done, right)
It is so easy to take matters into our own hands. But that can have catastrophic
consequences. It is much harder to pray, wait, and trust God to move on your
God is trustworthy! He will never let you down. He knows how to take difficult
situations and turn them into something beautiful.
Be Blessed,